Urban Hack(ing)
289 Technology Seminar
The Technology Seminar Urban Hack(ing) investigated Augmented Reality technology that disrupts and intervenes with the built environment. The aim was to overlay digital content and information seamlessly on top of physical objects, elements, and spaces. In other words, the project was about hacking the built environment and bringing hidden information and digital alterations to life through the lens of technology. Furthermore, the seminar took existing physical elements and spaces and extended them beyond their common boundaries into virtual space.
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Benjamin Ennemoser |

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- Aggregated Randy by Sidney Ortega and Katty Zhao
- Aggregated Randy by Sidney Ortega and Katty Zhao
- Venice Rising by Yumin Kim and Hanshi Li
- Venice Rising by Yumin Kim and Hanshi Li
- Venice Rising by Yumin Kim and Hanshi Li
- Venice Rising by Yumin Kim and Hanshi Li
- Venice Rising by Yumin Kim and Hanshi Li
- Impact Rate by Zeynep Ege Odabasi, and Xueying Zou
- Impact Rate by Zeynep Ege Odabasi, and Xueying Zou
- Impact Rate by Zeynep Ege Odabasi, and Xueying Zou
- Impact Rate by Zeynep Ege Odabasi, and Xueying Zou