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Undergraduate Studies

The Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies (B.A.) is a two-year major that begins in the junior year of residence.

The curriculum for the Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies introduces the fundamental ordering systems of architecture: form, space, tectonics, and program, and their relationships to political, social and cultural constructs. Central to the pedagogy are two objectives: the first provides an understanding of architecture and urban design as a humanist discipline, which engages cultural and social studies, and the history of architecture and cities. The second provides, for interested students, preparation for graduate professional studies.

This undergraduate major features coursework in three areas: critical studies, technology and design. The critical studies sequence builds a foundation in critical thinking that engages historical and contemporary disciplinary contexts. These critical thinking skills drive the technology sequence with assignments that question emerging technologies, conventional and innovative material assemblies, and the role of architectural representation. Critical thinking is also practiced in the design studio with assignments that introduce longstanding disciplinary questions, engage the social role of architecture, and respond to particular audiences, geographic contexts, and programmatic activities.

Please note: The Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies (B.A.) program at UCLA AUD is not NAAB-accredited and may not be accepted as meeting licensure requirements in many U.S. states.

Students will experience the design process in a studio setting developing projects that engage issues raised by the academic coursework. In studio, students will develop the ability to think critically about their ideas and explore the creative process in architecture and urban design in relation to these ideas. The direct experience of design is crucial to an understanding of architecture and urban design and their relation to contemporary social, political, and cultural events.

The UCLA Architecture and Urban Design community is supportive, intellectually engaging, and highly motivated. Students learn in intimate studio and seminar settings from faculty who are scholars, designers, and practicing professionals. While this program is not NAAB-accredited, it does provide a strong foundation for those students who elect to pursue studies in architecture and related fields such as art history, design, fine arts, engineering, environmental design, and urban studies.


The Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies (B.A.) is a two-year major that begins in the junior year of residence. We accept transfer students that are UC eligible (see details below). The program is not open to Freshman applicants. Freshmen are welcome to apply to UCLA with a different or undeclared major and then apply to change their major to Architectural Studies during the winter quarter of their Sophomore year, preferably after having completed some of the pre-major courses.

Undergraduate admissions are managed by the UCLA School of Arts and Architecture. More information for prospective students is available at arts.ucla.edu/apply and if you have questions, their admissions team can be reached at admissions@arts.ucla.edu.

Typical Study Program

Courses and schedule are subject to change.

30 Introduction to Architectural Studies (5)
141 Technology I: Projections (5)
10A Histories of Architecture and Urbanism I (5)
121 Studio I (6)
10B Histories of Architecture and Urbanism II (5)
143 Technology III: Digital Technology (5)
122 Studio II (6)
131 Issues in Contemporary Design (5)
142 Technology II: Materials and Methods (5)
132 Domestic Architecture (5)
123 Studio III (6)
133 Modernism and Metropolis (5)

Transfer Applicants

  • Students are admitted for Fall quarter only. Admission is highly competitive and only a limited number of students will be admitted.
  • All admitted students are required to enroll in the full two-year major sequence regardless of the number of years already spent in undergraduate studies prior to admission as an Architectural Studies major.
  • Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
  • Applicants must complete the following with a ‘B’ average across all three courses in order to be UC eligible. These three courses MUST be completed by Spring prior to matriculation in Fall. For applicants coming from a California Community College, please refer to your institution's guidelines for UC IGETC English and Math classes.
    – 1 English course in critical thinking/writing
    – 1 English course in composition
    – 1 Math course
  • The Architectural Studies major will consider sophomore level transfers (applicants with less than 60/90 transferable units). Please refer to the Transfer resources webpage for more information about sophomore transfers.
  • We do not have any required major preparation coursework. Transfer students will be expected to complete the lower division preparation courses during their first year of residency at UCLA.

We do accept sophomore transfers. In addition to the requirements above, they must also be UC eligible out of high school:

  • 3.0 unweighted GPA from high school if you are from California
  • 3.4 unweighted GPA from high school if you are from out-of-state or international
  • Take the SAT or ACT exam with the writing or essay component
  • Complete all college preparatory requirements in high school

Applying to the Architectural Studies major is a two-part process:

  • By November 30: Submit the UC Undergraduate Application to apply for admission to UCLA. Make sure you list Architectural Studies as your first choice major to UCLA. Once you have completed your UC Undergraduate Application you will receive your UC Application ID via a confirmation email. The submission portal opens on November 1 and closes on November 30. There is no rolling admission or early decision/action.
  • Between January 2 and January 20: Complete the online UCLA Arts Supplemental Application for the Architectural Studies major. This part of your application is reviewed by UCLA Architecture and Urban Design’s selection committee. The supplemental application portal opens on January 2. At this time you may log on with your UC Application ID.

The Supplemental Application requirements for Transfer Applicants include:

  • Questionnaire
  • Unofficial Transcripts
  • Department Statement
  • Portfolio: 3-6 Page PDF of Creative Work

There is a $55.00 non-refundable processing fee associated with the supplemental application for transfer applicants. You will be prompted to pay the processing fee when you sign in to the online upload system, and this fee is payable by credit card or e-check. If you have received a UC fee waiver, you will not be responsible for this additional fee and will not see the payment prompt. UCLA Arts will also accept fee waivers from College Board, NACAC, or a letter from a high school/transfer counselor who can verify family hardship. Please contact admissions@arts.ucla.edu by November 30 for fee waiver consideration.

UCLA Change of Major

  • Students are admitted for fall quarter only. Admission is highly competitive and only a limited number of students will be admitted.
  • All students will be required to enroll in the full two-year major sequence regardless of the number of years already spent in undergraduate studies prior to your admission as an Architectural Studies major at UCLA.
  • Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
  • We prefer that students complete the pre-major Architecture course requirements before taking major courses. We strongly recommend completing these courses before applying for admission to the program. These count towards both major credit and general education requirements.
  • ARCH 10A: History of Architecture and Urban Design: Prehistory to Mannerism
  • ARCH 10B: History of Architecture and Urban Design: Baroque to Contemporary Moment
  • ARCH 30: Introduction to Architectural Studies

Applying to the Architectural Studies major is a two-part process:

By January 8, 2025:
Declare your intent to change your major to Architectural Studies by filling out this Google Form.

By January 20, 2025:
Submit your Architectural Studies Change of Major application, which involves academic information, department statements, and portfolio. This information will be reviewed by UCLA Architecture and Urban Design’s selection committee.

The Supplemental Application requirements for Change of Major Applicants include:

  • Academic Information
  • UCLA Transcripts and Degree Audit Report
  • Department Statements
  • Portfolio: 3-6 Page PDF of Creative Work

Change of Major applications for Architectural Studies are submitted via SlideRoom.
Here is the link: uclaarts.slideroom.com. You will need to sign up for a free SlideRoom account. There is no charge associated with this application.